Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Conor's diary entry

I’m Conor and I’ve been to three schools and I’ve played the same tricks in all of them…

One is when I go to a group of kids and say:

“do you know that if your hand is bigger than your face it’s a sign of low intelligence?” And you know 8 out of 10 Kids will always try this!!

In my second school I spread a rumour about National Ploopey Day. It was like an inspiration…the way it occurred to me! I slipped on the floor in the bathroom, hit my head off the sink, then saw a vision of a festival of the National Ploopies!

So anyway, I spread the rumour to John and he told a few other people, who told their people and before I new it everyone was talking about it and even Mrs Mullins had gotten wind of it.

Of course, somewhere along the way someone had added to the rumour that National Ploopey Day was a Turkish Day and was to be celebrated tomorrow! Teacher walked up to Rog, the Turkish boy in our class (my second school was an Educate Together) and asked him if it was true that it was a special day for him and his family tomorrow. Since his English is not good I don’t think he understood her, because he just nodded and smiled back to her and she of course took this as a big yes!

Then things really got out of hand. I think the teacher lost her head a little.

The next day she had got banners, balloons and a confetti canon to the ready. It really was quite a festive atmosphere till the Principal arrive in with the Turkish kid’s parents and Mrs Mullins went up to congratulate them and got the whole class to shout out: ‘Happy Ploopey Day’ at which point Rog set off the canon!

As you can imagine, there was much confusion and embarrassment all round. Mrs Mullins turned the brightest red I’ve ever seen, even Attracta (our Principal) was for once lost for words!

Once things settled down the investigation started. Teacher was mad to know who started the ‘desperate rumour’ (as she now called it!). She was frustrated in her attempts here too because in response to her question as to who it was, Rog shouted out with complete belief – ‘MEEEE’.

Of course it did get back to me…and that was that for that school!

My other trick involved tongue twisters. One is where you try to say a tongue-twister and end up saying sixteen swears!

I’m a master at tong twisters.

Tong twisters

(A bit hard)

‘How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could chuck wood.’

(Super hard)

‘The skunk sat on the stump and the stump thought the skunk stunk and the skunk thought the stump stunk.’


‘I’m not a pheasant plucker I’m a pheasant plucker’s son and I’m only plucking pheasants till the pheasant plucker comes.’


‘She saw you saw Susie’s see-saw’

(Super easy)

‘She sells sea shells by the sea shore.’

(Really hard)

‘Red lorry yellow lorry.’ (x10)

‘Irish wrist watch.’ (x10)

‘Sea shell shark’ (x10)


  1. hey conor, I really love tongue twisters too!

    here are some ones i know:

    'If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?'

    'A noisy noise annoys an oyster.' (x10)

    "When a doctor falls ill another doctor doctor's the doctor. Does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor the doctor in his own way or does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctors the doctor in the doctor's way"

    'Silly sheep weep and sleep.' (x10)
